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Publisher: Brewers Publications, 1998.
Soft Cover, 144 pages, 5.5 x 8.5.
Item #1143
Who says there is no such thing as a German ale? Eat your lederhosen! Altbier is considered Germany's oldest and most famous beer style. This book explains how brewmonks and brewnuns brewed it in Dusseldorf centuries ago, and how to brew one today. Altbier covers brewing process, flavor profile, recipes, and much more.
Many view Germany as the land of lagers, but Germans have brewed ales, like altbier, for at least 3,000 years. A true example of altbier is difficult to find outside of Germany, even in the United States where craftbrewing has experienced tremendous growth. In Altbier, Horst Dornbusch sheds light on the practices of commercial altbier makers, how the equipment and ingredients used affect the flavor, and how this copper-colored, full-bodied brew became one of Germany's most beloved beer styles.
Horst Dornbusch was born and raised in Dusseldorf, home of Germany's altbier. Following a 20-year career in broadcasting and publishing in the United States and Canada, he decided to pursue his lifetime passion, beer. After apprenticing at a U.S. brewing company to learn how to make beer on a commercial scale, he started his own contract brewing company specializing in German-style beers. His company's flagship beer is, what else?, Dornbusch Alt, an authentic Dusseldorf-style brew.