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Who was it that said, "Life is a popularity contest."? Well, it wasn't us at BeerBooks.com. Nevertheless, we've put together a list of our most popular beer books. Some are old, some are new, but all have one thing in common: beer enthusiasts have selected them to be among their favorites. If you'd like to put in your two cents about any book in our catalog, feel free to leave feedback at our Book Discussion Board. Prosit! |
Favorites In Brewing & Recipes... |  |  |
Complete Joy of Homebrewing, 3rd Edition
Charlie Papazian, master brewer and founder and president of the American Homebrewer's Association and Association of Brewers, presents a fully revised edition of his essential guide to homebrewing. This third edition of the best-selling and most trusted homebrewing guide includes a complete update of all instructions, recipes, charts, and guidelines. Our Price: $13.45
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How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time
Presented in a clear, no nonsense style, this authoritative text introduces brewing in an easy step-by-step review so that new brewers can be happy with their results starting with the first batch. Beyond the basics, Palmer provides an accessible reference to both intermediate and advanced techniques like all-grain brewing variations and recipe formaulation. Our Price: $14.95
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Favorites In Tasting, Trekking & Style Guides... |  |  |
Michael Jackson's Great Beer Guide: 500 Classic Brews
Take a tour of 500 of the world's greatest beers chosen by The Beer Hunter himself, Michael Jackson. Get the inside stories on Czech pilseners, German lagers, Belgian wheat beers and Trappist brews, classic British ales, Irish stouts, and American microbrews. Spot the best beers with the aid of superbly shot photographs, each showing the bottle, label, and the properly poured beer in its ideal glass. Our Price: $14.35
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The Beer Guide
The most comprehensive guide to ales and lagers sold in the United States: More than 2,700 beers are described and rated, based on hundreds of thousands of reviews on RateBeer.com, the country's foremost beer judging website. Includes bonus food-paring guide by award-winning beer writer Stan Hireonymus, as well as descriptions of major beer styles. Our Price: $9.95
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Favorites In Beer & Brewery History... |  |  |
Beer Drinker's Bible: Lore, Trivia & History
Enjoy a light-hearted look at the world of beer, from ancient times to the present. Award-winning author and historian Gregg Smith and co-author Carrie Getty cover every beer-related fact throughout history — from words and phrases to famous and little-known quotes and toast, taverns, glasses and vessels, and beer styles. Our Price: $7.94
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Saloons, Bars & Cigar Stores: Historical Interior Photographs
This is an amazing book. It's a pictorial history of saloons and bars in America, with over 170 duotone images, each printed on their own museum-quality page. History buffs and breweriana collectors will love spotting all of the beer and whiskey artifacts that fill the walls and back-bars of nearly every saloon pictured. Binding is in heavy embossed leather, with gold stamped lettering. There's simply no other book like this one! Our Price: $48.00
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Favorites In Breweriana... |  |  |
Beer Advertising Memorabilia, Vol. 2
No, you're not seeing double! This is the new, 2003 edition of Herb & Helen Haydock's well-known breweriana book. Though the book cover is deceptively similar to their earlier work, this new volume has a completely different lineup of fantastic old breweriana -- all pictured in full color, along with value estimates. Our Price: $27.50
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Vintage Anheuser-Busch: An Unofficial Collectors Guide
Here is a stunningly visual history of Anheuser-Busch and Budweiser Beer, told through it's advertising. The rich and intriguing history of the St. Louis brewing giant comes through in sharp, vivid color in this beautifully-produced book. Loaded cover to cover with antique Budweiser Beer and Anheuser-Busch advertising artifacts. Our Price: $26.95
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