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Publisher: Brewers Publications, 2005.
Soft Cover, 315 pages, 5.5 x 8.5.
Item #1384
Wild Brews explores the world of Lambics, Flanders red and brown beers and American brews in a similar style. Includes coverage of wood-barrel aging, blending and the use of fruit in wild fermentations. In the past, learning the secrets of non-traditional fermentation required patience, practice and pursuit of traditional producers. Having covered this ground, Jeff Sparrow offers new insights in the most comprehensive guide to untamed brews ever compiled. Addressing the interests of beer drinkers, homebrewers and professionals, he covers the many subjects unique to spontaneous and mixed fermentations including things like ingredients, organisms, barrels and blending. The resulting book opens up new worlds of drinking and brewing possibility. A must read for everyone interested in beer or brewing. When brewers allow organisms other than Saccharomyces yeast to influence the taste of their ales, a new family of flavors enters the beer vocabulary. Wild Brews explores the world of Lambics, Flanders red and Flanders brown beers as well as the many new American beers produced in a similar style. Beer lovers and brewers alike will find a detailed description of the brewing methods and fermentation procedures used to craft these distinctively flavorful beers as well as information on wood-barrel aging, blending and the use of fruit in wild fermentations. Although rustic by some measures, lambics and Flanders ales remain elusively complex, defying easy comprehension by beer drinkers and brewers alike. Wild Brews delves into the culture of these iconic beers and their brewers, generating not only facts but also a feel for how they come about. Here, readers find the karma of wild beer—an enlightened state enabling them to see the beauty of this art while empowering them to create distinctive brews in the world beyond brewers yeast. A brewer since 1990, author Jeff Sparrow explores beers made with wild yeast and bacteria. His extensive travels in Belgium and the U.S. have allowed him to taste these beers at their source and talk extensively with their makers. His knowledge blends practical experience with an old world aesthetic for production of the world's most challenging beers.Â