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Producer: Schnitzelbank Press, 2003.
VHS or DVD, 90 minutes.
Format: NTSC / All Regions (what's this?)
Item #2103
Step into the beer culture of the 1950s and 60s, when virtually every local brewery in America was struggling for survival. In their fight against the big boys, small town breweries enlisted television as their primary weapon. This wonderful video is a record of that historic battle, containing classic beer commercials like the Hamm's Bear, Bert & Harry Piel, Mr. Magoo for Stag Beer, Mabel--Black Label, and dozens more. It's a truly unique piece of beer history, and loads of fun. Perfect for parties and beer tastings. Available on DVD or VHS.  Beers Included on the Video: Ballantine Ale Blatz Beer Budweiser Beer Burger Beer Busch Beer Carling Black Label Beer Carling Red Cap Ale Coors Beer Drewry's Beer Duke Beer Falstaff Beer Genesee Beer Gunther Beer Hamm's Beer Hudepohl Beer Iroquois Beer Jax Beer Labatts Beer Miller High Life Beer National Bohemian Beer Oertel's Beer Old Dutch Beer Old Style Beer Old Vienna Ale Olympia Beer P.O.C. Beer Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Pfeiffer Beer Piel's Beer Rainier Beer Regal Beer Schaefer Beer Schlitz Beer Schmidt's Beer Schoenling Beer Stag Beer Storz Beer Strohs Beer Utica Club Beer Valley Forge Beer Wiedemann Beer
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