Perlshop Self-Test

Store name       :
Server address   :
Secure address   :
Local time       : Sun Dec 22 02:25:21 2024
Software version : 4.5.00 Beta 2

Executing Internal Self-Test:
Test: SHA encryption function - pass
Test: Date format check - pass
Test: Email configuration check - pass
Test: Discount configuration check - pass
Test: Shipping configuration check - pass
Test: Shipping table validation - pass

PSDBI Package is installed:
PSDBI module version 1
PSDBS module version 1.5
WSDBI module version 1.8

Installed plugins:
Name  : addver
Event : before_checkout_cart_contents
Type  : module   --

Plugin Module Version: 1

Name  : affiliate
Event : after_enter_shop|after_place_order
Type  : module   --

Plugin Module Version: 1

Name  : affiliate_dbi
Event : after_enter_shop|after_place_order|add_to_company_email
Type  : module   --

Plugin Module Version: 1

Plugin Module Self Test:
Connection to database validated.
Table ps_affiliate_hits is present.
Table ps_affiliate_sales is present.

Name  : affiliateinfo
Type  : program  --  affiliateinfo.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File NOT FOUND.

Name  : calendar
Type  : program  --

Checking for plugin program: File NOT FOUND.

Name  : checkout_cart_header
Event : before_view_checkout_cart
Type  : program  --  plugins/includes/

Checking for plugin program: File located.

Name  : collator_csv
Event : after_place_order
Type  : program  --

Checking for plugin program: File located.

Name  : collator_dbi
Event : after_place_order
Type  : module   --

Plugin Module Version: 1.4

Plugin Module Self Test:
Connection to database validated.
Table ps_customers is present.
Table ps_orders is present.

Name  : feedback
Type  : program  --  feedback.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File NOT FOUND.

Name  : giftcert
Event : .*
Type  : module   --
Type  : program  --

Checking for plugin program: File located.

Plugin Module Version: 1

Name  : inquiry
Type  : program  --  inquiry.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File NOT FOUND.

Name  : inventory_dbi
Event : after_place_order
Type  : program  --

Checking for plugin program: File located.

Name  : message1
Type  : program  --  messageboards/message1.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File NOT FOUND.

Name  : message2
Type  : program  --  messageboards/message2.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File NOT FOUND.

Name  : message3
Type  : program  --  messageboards/message3.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File NOT FOUND.

Name  : newsletter
Type  : program  --  newsletter/list.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File located.

Name  : notification
Type  : program  --  notification/list.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File located.

Name  : postcard
Type  : program  --  postcard/postcard.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File NOT FOUND.

Name  : ship_err
Event : before_submit_customer
Type  : module   --

Plugin Module Version: 1

Name  : simple_cart_header
Event : before_view_simple_cart
Type  : program  --  plugins/includes/

Checking for plugin program: File located.

Name  : simple_cart_title
Event : before_simple_cart_contents
Type  : program  --  plugins/includes/

Checking for plugin program: File located.

Name  : waitinglist
Type  : program  --  waitinglist.cgi

Checking for plugin program: File located.

Self-Test complete.